Darpan || Melita Mely Ratković (Serbia )

পোস্ট বার দেখা হয়েছে

Peace and love

Melita Mely Ratković

(Serbia )

 God, you who are love,

 please remind us that we are

 particles of a powerful universe,

 we are one, brothers and sisters ..

 Bring us back to the right path of love and peace,

 to be reconciled, to worship in good.

 Don't let the darkness cover you

 it covers the light, and hatred love.

 Wars bring suffering, destruction,

 misfortune, everything we do to another

 it comes back to us. We were born to build,

 not to tear down, hurt, create

 yourself hell on here now, sad

 alone when a child happens to get hurt,

 no matter how far away, I feel suffering. Incomprehensible

 is the behavior of us mortals, who follow nothing

 they will not take it when they return to your kingdom,

 except shame, when we realize we have succumbed

 worthless material things, money, which

 is a worthless means of buying weapons by which

 strikes brother to brother, Everything that is happening at the moment,

 it is the price we pay collectively

 unconscious plan, causing confusion,

 riots and wars. May there be peace, love, light

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