পোস্ট বার দেখা হয়েছে




That day I found a vendor 

Selling colorful flowers 

In the colony for blind ! 

But , who could be her 

Potential buyer here , 

For rainbow or it's color , 

Honestly , I still wonder ! 

I spent a sleepless night

Trying to smell the fragrance ,

That flower emits for bees .

I tried to catch up the melody 

Nature writes ,  you see ,

Without charging any fees ! 

Since then I became a trader 

And started selling poetry 

In a city fully sanitized and 

Occupied by people who are 

Illiterate , deaf and dumb.  

I told my teacher who taught me 

Mathematics of loss-and-gain , 

"All your formula is obsolete now ! "

Called on the most popular leader 

With a request not to disturb me ,

As I wanna enjoy whatever those 

Little time left for me in this heaven 

With flowers , bee , rainbow and 

Of course , the melody of life !

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

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