Darpan || Vilma Julieta Calderón nació (Guatemala)

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Vilma Julieta Calderón nació 



 Vilma Julieta Calderón nació el 27 de julio de 1960 en Quetzaltenango Guatemala, Actriz de teatro y cine, pertenece al Grupo de Escritores los Quijotes, al Club de Poesía Casa Los Altos.

Tiene en su haber 13 libros colectivos con Los Quijotes, 3 antologías Club Casa Los Altos, 2 individuales Editorial Poe Pájaro Rojo tercera edición transcrito al inglés, y Silencios y Utopías del Otoño, Primera edición, 45 galardones en Juegos Florales en la rama de verso y cuento a nivel Nacional, Trinacional e iberoamericano, Teculután Zacapa, Mazatenango, San Juan Ostuncalco, Coatepeque, Momostenango, Chinique de las Flores Quiché, Escuintla, Jutiapa, Chimaltenango, Esquipulas Chiqumula, Amatitlán, Ayutla, Tejutla San Marcos, La Democracia Escuintla, Totonicapán, San ]Vicente Buenabaj, Zapotitlán Jutiapa, San Bernardino Suchitepéquez Mazatenango El Rancho San Agustín Acasaguastlán el Progreso, Certamen Víctor Villagrán Amaya 2019 Quetzaltenango.  Declarada Maestra de la poesía en Estanzuela Zacapa 2015, nombrada Quetzalteca de Corazón del mes de marzo 2017 por el Trisemanario el Quetzalteco, Homenajeada en el 8vo. Festival de poesía a nivel nacional por Club de poesía Casa los Altos 2017 Invitada a festivales internacionales de poesía, Fipa, 2018, Aguacatán,  Ama 2019 y 2020 Chimaltenango y 2020 Fipag, Antigua Guatemala, 2020, 2021, América Madre, Argentina 2020 y 2021 y Estación de Poesía Centro Intercultural Quetzaltenango. Representante en Quetzaltenango, Guatemala de Arte Poética Latinoamericana en de Colombia, Argentina y países latinoamericanos. Invitada festivales internacionales virtuales, en Chile, Miami, Brasil, República Dominicana, Jurado calificador certámenes de poesía, oratoria, narrativa, declamación y elección Reina Nacional de Independencia Quetzaltenango 13 de Septiembre 2021



I would like my voice

had the echo of thunder,

to pierce the footprint of the cry of freedom

on the face of the universe.

I would like this iniquity that never ends

stop bleeding from the eyes of political prisoners,

abused elderly, abused women,

journalists, defenders of the rights of peoples,

pilots who were prey to unpaid extortion.

I would like to raise my voice

so that children and elders of my country

no longer die of hunger, cold, impunity and oblivion

because the fairness of this land of mine

It's just a name, a corpse,

that flaps its wings like arrows without force

because those in power

they do not assume with respect and responsibility

the resources of the country.

I wish barefoot children no longer existed

walking down cobbled streets with pointed glass

that lacerate his steps and the peace of his smile.

I would like him to be reborn in humanity

respect for the life of every living being

They will return alive at the end of the day

so that the hearts of parents, children, wives

don't break when you see the corpse

of their loved ones stretched out on a cold slab.


I would like the womb of mother earth

no longer wallow in pain in his bowels,

knowing that soon forgotten children,

malnourished, marginalized, they will be buried

like sterile seeds without light.

And that the owls that chain the night to death

preventable death

if the consciences of the rulers were softened

like stale bread with water.


I would like the ideals of equality

They will rest among dry leaves

and the forces that lie inert

inside the weak bodies of our old

and the keys of his hands that yesterday

they wielded the hoe breaking furrows

filling them with wheat, corn and beans

to sustain the hunger of body and soul

they will look up to touch the sky

with the peace that the love of the Creator gives you.

How I would like childhood and youth

stay away from drugs

alcohol and bad company

that their natural instincts

do not mutilate the freedom of your ideals

and always keep good manners.

I would like all the children

Let's raise our hands to embroider our sky

stars of faith and hope

as if they were white handkerchiefs of peace

to dry the crying of the children of my Guatemala

that still burn under the ashes

of the fire volcano.

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