Oh Little Petunia ~ Sayantan Dhar

পোস্ট বার দেখা হয়েছে


Oh little Petunia, I wonder to see you,

To feel you, to smell you.

How tender you are,

And a decent smell,

With various vibrant colours-

Pink, red, white, blue & mauve.

By these you attract insects,

Many peoples are attracted too,

Among them some are cruel-

They pluck you and use as ornaments,

But I think, 

You are the ornaments of green leaves.

With my last droplet of blood,

I will protect you, I will nurture you.

One day 

You will decorate the valleys, the sea shores.

With the help of organic culture,

You will bloom widely.

Then I will hear the charming sonata,

The heavenly tune of your whisper.

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